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Table 1 Demographics, clinical, imaging and laboratory characteristics of the included patients

From: Predictive value of S100B and brain derived neurotrophic factor for radiofrequency treatment of lumbar disc prolapse



(n = 50)

Age [Mean (SD)]

55.06 (12.65)


Males [n (%)]

29 (58%)

Females [n (%)]

21 (42%)

Duration of pain in months [Mean (SD)]

22.32 (13.62)

Number of prolapsed discs [Mean (SD)]

2.76 (1.06)

Degree of the most prolapsed disc

Bulge [n (%)]

14 (28%)

Protrusion [n (%)]

32 (64%)

Herniation [n (%)]

4 (8%)

NRS before radiofrequency [Mean (SD)]

8.68 (1.13)

FRI before radiofrequency [Mean (SD)]

72.17 (14.84)

BDNF serum level before radiofrequency in ng/ml [Mean (SD)]

5.098 (1.34)

S100B serum level before radiofrequency in ng/ml [Mean (SD)]

5.3 (1.26)

  1. BDNF: Brain derived neurotrophic factor, FRI: Functional rating index, NRS: Numeric rating scale