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Table 4 Comparison of different categories based on sonoanatomy on outcomes

From: Evaluation of a modified ultrasound-assisted technique for mid-thoracic epidural placement: a prospective observational study


Category I and II a (n = 98)

Category III b (n = 30)

P value

First-pass success rate c

84 (86%)

12 (40%)


First-attempt success rate d

97 (99%)

25 (83%)


Overall success rate

98 (100%)

28 (93%)


Needling time, seconds e

57 [44–77]

156 [61–245]


Number of needle passes

1 [1–1]

2 [1–3]


Number of attempts

1 [1–1]

1 [1–1]


  1. Data are presented as numbers (percentages) or medians [IQRs].
  2. a Category I-II indicates that the anterior complex was visible in the paramedian sagittal oblique view
  3. b Category III indicates that the anterior complex was invisible in both the paramedian sagittal oblique view and transverse median view
  4. c First-pass success, defined as achievement of LOR and successful catheter placement through a single skin puncture with no needle withdrawal and redirection
  5. d First-attempt success, defined as the needle achieving LOR and successful catheter placement through a single skin puncture
  6. e Needling time, defined as the time from epidural needle insertion to successful access of the thoracic epidural space via LOR.