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Table 3 General requirements of the anesthesia module of the operating room department

From: Development and evaluation of an anesthesia module for electronic medical records in the operating room: an applied developmental study

General requirements of the anesthesia module

While independent, this module is a part of other electronic medical record modules

This module can receive patient identity information from the "Hospital Information System (HIS).”

This module can connect to the "laboratory information system" and receive the laboratory information of the patients who entered the operating room

This module provides access control, accuracy, and validity of the information entered by the user

It is possible to have the same patient file number in the hospital information system and this module

Authorized users can view the patient's previous anesthesia records rec this module

It is possible to access this module by authorized users from outside the department and even from outside the hospital and monitor the residents by the department's attendant

It is possible to read and confirm the recorded information by the anesthesiologist

The details of the anesthesiologist, anesthetist nurse, and the user who accepted the patient, along with the date and time of information registration, can be tracked

It is possible to view the patients' names according to the anesthesiologist’s name

When registering unauthorized data and values, the user is automatically warned

The alphabetical list of the patient's medication history in this module is according to the ATC/DDD system proposed by the World Health Organization

This module can prepare reports at different levels of information