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Table 1 Patient characteristics, clinical information and tissue oxygenation of the study population (n = 99)

From: Association of intraoperative cerebral and somatic tissue oxygen saturation with postoperative acute kidney injury in adult patients undergoing multiple valve surgery


Patients (n = 99)

Patient characteristics

 Age (yr)

54.0 ± 7.6

 Sex = male (n (%))

57 (57.6)

 BMI (kg/m2)

22.9 ± 3.4

 NYHA = III (n (%))

66 (66.7)

 Preoperative Cr (umol/L)

86.1 ± 24.3

 LVEF (%)

52.6 ± 5.9

 Euroscore II (%)

1.18 (0.90, 1.75)

 Depth of kidney (cm)

3.3 ± 0.9


 Atrial fibrillation (n (%))

55 (55.6)

 Pulmonary Hypertension (n (%))

35 (35.4)

 Coronary artery disease (n (%))

9 (9.1)

 Congestive heart failure (n (%))

5 (5.1)

 Stroke (n (%))

6 (6.1)

 Diabetes (n (%))

5 (5.1)

 Hypertension (n (%))

10 (10.1)

 Peptic ulcer disease (n (%))

3 (3.0)

 Dyslipidemia (n (%))

7 (7.1)

 COPD (n (%))

2 (2.0)

 Smoking (n (%))

32 (32.7)

 PCI history (n (%))

4 (4.1)

 PBMV history (n (%))

0 (0)

Current Regular Medication

 Beta-blocker (n (%))

17 (17.2)

 Calcium channel blocker (n (%))

11 (11.1)

 Diuretic (n (%))

91 (91.9)

 Anti-arrhythmic (n (%)

4 (4.0)

 Digoxin (n (%)

34 (34.3)

 Nitroglycerine (n (%)

7 (7.1)

 Statin (n (%))

15 (15.2)

 Inotropic drugs (n (%))

17 (17.2)

 Vasodilator (n (%))

15 (15.2)

 Proton pump inhibitor (n (%))

10 (10.1)

 Low molecular weight heparin (n (%))

4 (4.0)

  1. BMI body mass index, NYHA New York Heart Association, LVEF left ventricular ejection fraction, COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, PCI percutaneous transluminal coronary intervention, PBMV percutaneous balloon mitral valvotomy
  2. Data are in mean (SD) or median (interquartile range) for continuous variables and in count (n) and percentage (%) for binary variables