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Table 4 Relationship between preoperative Hb (g/dL) and LOS (Days)

From: The relationship between preoperative anemia and length of hospital stay among patients undergoing radical surgery for esophageal carcinoma: a single-centre retrospective study

Outcome LOS(Days) β(95%CI) p-value


Crude Model

Model I

Model II

Hb, (g/dL)

-0.93 (-1.60, -0.26) 0.0068

-0.84 (-1.54, -0.15) 0.0181

-0.81 (-1.46, -0.16) 0.0156

Hb, (g/dL) groups


≥ 13





2.41 (0.36, 4.45) 0.0215

2.15 (0.03, 4.27) 0.0468

2.29 (0.33, 4.25) 0.0224

  1. Abbreviations: LOS, length of stay; CI, confidence interval
  2. Model I adjusted for age; gender
  3. Model II adjusted for age; gender; hypertension; diabetes; heart disease; central nervous system; lung disease; WBC; Na+; K+; SCr; PT; APTT; preoperative chemotherapy; ASA; anesthesia; operation form; blood transfusion; operation time; blood loss; fluid infusion; postoperative admission to ICU; respiratory failure; lung infection; anastomotic fistula; cardiovascular complication