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Table 1 Discrepancies and corroborations between the ADA and other medical societies and clinical anesthesia textbooks. Similarities marked by check mark and discrepancies marked by ‘X’, see text for further details

From: Near-miss hypoglycemia—reflections on perioperative glucose management guidelines in diabetics

American Diabetes Association (ADA) Standard of Care

Anesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland (AAGBI)

Miller’s Anesthesia

Morgan and Mikhail’s Clinical Anesthesiology

Diabetic Perioperative Management, Dogra & Jialal

1. Target range for blood glucose in the perioperative period should be 80–180 mg/dL



2. A preoperative risk assessment should be performed for patients with diabetes due to high risk for ischemic heart disease and those with autonomic neuropathy or renal failure


3. Metformin should be withheld on the day of surgery



4. SGLT2 inhibitors must be discontinued 3–4 days before surgery


5. Withhold any other oral glucose lowering agents the morning of surgery or procedure and give half of NPH dose or 75–80% doses of long acting analog or pump basal insulin




6. Monitor blood glucose at least every 2–4 h while patient is NPO and dose with short- or rapid-acting insulin as needed



7. There are no data on the use and/or influence of glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonists or ultra-long-acting insulin analogs upon glycemia in perioperative care