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Table 5 Percent of change in P300 latency and amplitude in both Nitroglycerine and Phentolamine groups

From: Comparative effect of deliberate hypotensive anesthesia using nitroglycerine vs. phentolamine on event related potentials and cognitive functions in patients undergoing septoplasty: a randomized controlled trial


Nitroglycerine group

(n = 40)

Phentolamine group

(n = 40)

P- value

Percent of change in P300 latency [Median (IQR)]

53.17% (33.96 − 80.22%)

23.22% (10.55 -51%)

≤ 0.001*

Percent of change in P300 amplitude [Median (IQR)]

-55.53% (-66.23% -37.36%)

-38.82% (-69.73%- 26.88%)


  1. Values are expressed as median (Q1-Q3)
  2. Mann-Whitney test was used for comparison between Nitroglycerine and Phentolamine groups
  3. *P-value ≤ 0.05 is considered significant