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Table 3 Percent of change in PALT and BVRT in both Nitroglycerine and Phentolamine groups

From: Comparative effect of deliberate hypotensive anesthesia using nitroglycerine vs. phentolamine on event related potentials and cognitive functions in patients undergoing septoplasty: a randomized controlled trial


Nitroglycerine group

(n = 40)

Phentolamine group

(n = 40)

P- value

Percent of change in PALT

[Median (IQR)]

-3.85% (-10.83%-5.41%)

-7.96% (-12.2%- 6.16%)


Percent of change in BVRT [Median (IQR)]

-6.07% (-11.6% -8.33%)

0% (-16.67%- 8.33%)


  1. Values are expressed as median (Q1-Q3)
  2. PALT: Paired Associate Learning Test, BVRT: Benton Visual Retention Test
  3. Mann-Whitney test was used for comparison between Nitroglycerine and Phentolamine groups
  4. P-value > 0.05 is considered in-significant