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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of patients

From: Supraglottic jet oxygenation and ventilation decreased hypoxemia during gastrointestinal endoscopy under deep sedation at high altitudes: a randomized clinical trial


SJOV (n = 36)

Nasal cannula (n = 36)

Age (year)

48.5 (42.0–57.0)

50.0 (44.8–55.8)

BMI (kg/m2)

23.7 ± 2.6

22.8 ± 2.8

Male [n (%)]

18 (50.0)

19 (52.8)

Tibetan [n (%)]

24 (66.7)

21 (58.3)

ASA grade of III or severer [n (%)]

3 (8.3)

4 (11.1)

Comorbidity [n (%)]


6 (16.7)

12 (33.3)

 Coronary artery disease

4 (11.4)

1 (2.8)


0 (0.0)

1 (2.8)


2 (5.6)

0 (0.0)


2 (5.6)

2 (5.6)


6 (16.7)

6 (16.7)


14 (38.9)

17 (47.2)

Hemoglobin concentration (g/L)

161.5 ± 22.5

157.8 ± 29.0

Erythrocytosis [n (%)] a

15 (41.7)

17 (47.2)

Baseline vital signs

 Peripheral oxygen saturation (%)

90.3 (2.2)

90.3 (2.8)

 Original hypoxia [n (%)] b

12 (33.3)

13 (36.1)

 Mean blood pressure (mmHg)

88.7 ± 18.0

96.1 ± 19.2

 Heart rate (beat/mi)

71.3 ± 13.2

73.0 ± 13.0

Procedural characteristics

 Procedure time (min)

11.0 (8.5–14.8)

10.5 (8.0–15.0)

 Total propofol dose (mg)

120 (70–150)

115 (85–150)

 Total alfentanil dose (ug)

500 (0–1000)

500 (0–725)

  1. Continuous variables are expressed as mean ± SD or median (IQR), as appropriate; categorical data are presented as the number of events (proportion)
  2. SJOV supraglottic jet oxygenation and ventilation, BMI body mass index, ASA American Society of Anesthesiology classification of physical status, COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, OSAHS obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome
  3. aErythrocytosis was defined as a hemoglobin concentration of > 165 g/L in men and > 160 g/L in women; b Original hypoxia was defined as peripheral oxygen saturation of < 90% before oxygenation