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Table 2 Perioperative opioid consumption in patients undergoing emergent cesarean before and after implementation of multimodal opioid-sparing regimen

From: Multimodal opioid-sparing pain management for emergent cesarean delivery under general anesthesia: a quality improvement project


Before (n = 36)

After (n = 36)

Intraoperative fentanyl (mcg)

162.5 (100, 250)

200 (100, 250)

Intraoperative hydromorphone (mg)

1.0 (0.125–2.0)

1.0 (0.45, 1.725)

IV Morphine equivalents (mg) PACU

30 (15, 38) *

1.25 (0.45, 1.725)

IV Morphine equivalents 0-24 h (mg)

99 (48, 134) *

19 (0, 32.25)

PO Morphine equivalents 0-24 h (mg)

10 (7.5, 25)

22.5 (7.5, 22.5)

Total Morphine equivalents 0-24 h (mg)

114 (55, 145) *

28.75 (17.5, 56.9)

Total Morphine equivalents 24-48 h (mg)

20 (10, 25)

7.5 (7.5, 22.5)

Total Morphine equivalents 48-72 h (mg)

10 (5, 15)

3.75 (0, 15)

TOTAL Morphine equivalents (mg)

141 (70, 185) *

65.75 (31.9, 92.5)

  1. Values are median (interquartile range)
  2. PACU Post Anesthesia Care Unit, IQR Interquartile Range. * = p < 0.001, p < 0.01