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Fig. 4 | BMC Anesthesiology

Fig. 4

From: Bedside gastrointestinal ultrasound combined with acute gastrointestinal injury score to guide enteral nutrition therapy in critically patients

Fig. 4

ROC curve of IAP, CSA, Diam, Peri,PRE. ROC curve of IAP, CSA, Diam, Peri and the joint evaluation of CSA, Diam, Peri: IAP has the lowest AUC area;CSA, Diam, Peri all have higher predicted values than IAP when compared with IAP.When CSA, D and F were combined to evaluate the success of EN, the positive predictive value was higher than that of single indicator.When CSA + Diam + Peri were combined evaluation, the area under the AUC curve was the largest and the positive predictive value was the highest.When Diam + Peri was used to evaluate the success of EN, there was no statistical difference with other indicators, the possible reason being that these two indicators could only represent colon function, not the recovery of the whole gastrointestinal function. IAP Intra-abdominal pressure, CSA Transverse area of gastric antrum, Diam left descending colonic or right ascending colonic diameter, Peri Peristatic frequency;PRE, the joint evaluation of transverse area of gastric antrum, colonic peristatic frequency and colonic diameter

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