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Table 4 Carryover and period effects

From: Effects of head-elevated position on tracheal intubation using a McGrath MAC videolaryngoscope in patients with a simulated difficult airway: a prospective randomized crossover study


Sequence 1a

(n = 32)

Sequence 2b

(n = 32)


(95% CI)

P value

POGO score, %

 Sequence effectc

102.3 ± 52.1

91.4 ± 33.4

10.9 (−11.0 to 32.9)


 Period effectd

16.4 ± 16.3

27.3 ± 20.4

−10.9 (−20.2 to − 1.7)


  1. Data are presented as the mean ± standard deviation. aSequence 1: head-elevated position, followed by head-flat position. bSequence 2: head-flat position, followed by head-elevated position. cSequence effect: sum of POGO scores in the first position (period 1) and second position (period 2). dPeriod effect: difference between POGO scores in the head-elevated and head-flat positions (head-elevated minus head-flat). CI Confidence interval, POGO Percentage of glottic opening