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Table 3 Comparison of Postoperative body temperature, Incidence of Postoperative hypothermia and shivering

From: Comparison of two different uses of underbody forced-air warming blankets for the prevention of hypothermia in patients undergoing arthroscopic shoulder surgery: a prospective randomized study


UB group (n=47)

OB group (n=49)

P value*

postoperative body temperature, (℃)

35.9 ± 0.4

36.2 ± 0.4


Postoperative hypothermia,n (%)

27 (57.4%)

16 (32.7%)


Postoperative Shivering,n (%)

9 (19.1%)

4 (8.2%)


  1. Data are expressed as means ± SDs.
  2. *The P value for the t test and Fisher exact test is set at 0.05