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Table 2 Effect of intubation on hospital mortality and hospital-free days in multivariable analysisa

From: Outcome after intubation for septic shock with respiratory distress and hemodynamic compromise: an observational study


Estimate (95% CI)


Hospital mortality

1.00 (0.65, 1.55)


Hospital-free days

−1.82 (− 3.08, − 0.55)


  1. aEffects of intubation are presented here after adjusting for age, sex, ICU admission source, APACHE III and SOFA score on ICU day 1, resolution of low mean arterial pressure (3 or more consecutive measurements > 65 mmHg) within 6 h, resolution of lactic acidosis (decrease of 50% or normalized) within 6 h, and use of non-invasive ventilation. Hospital mortality was modeled using multivariable logistic regression and estimates are odds ratios where values greater than 1 correspond to an increased likelihood of mortality. Hospital-free days were modeled using multivariable linear regression and negative estimates correspond to a decrease in hospital-free days. Hospital-free days were defined as hospital-free days during the 28 days following sepsis onset with patients who died in the hospital set to 0. Analysis is limited to those patients who were alive 24 h following sepsis onset