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Table 1 Demographic and airway-related data

From: Randomized crossover trial comparing cervical spine motion during tracheal intubation with a Macintosh laryngoscope versus a C-MAC D-blade videolaryngoscope in a simulated immobilized cervical spine


Macintosh laryngoscope First(n = 10)

C-MAC D-Blade videolaryngoscope First(n = 10)

Age (yr)

59.1 ± 3.9

61.0 ± 11.6

Sex (male: female)

3: 7

2: 8

Height (cm)

159.6 ± 6.7

156.8 ± 9.4

Weight (kg)

61.6 ± 9.1

58.6 ± 9.7

Body mass index (kg/m2)

24.1 ± 2.5

23.8 ± 2.5

Mallampati score (1/2/3/4)



Inter-incisor gap (mm)

35.0 (34.0–43.5)

41.0 (36.8–49.0)

Thyromental distance (mm)

100.0 (90.0–105.0)

97.5 (87.5–111.3)

Neck circumference (cm)

35.0 (31.9–38.1)

33.5 (31.8–36.1)

Sternomandibular distance (mm)

152.5 (143.8–167.5)

155.0 (133.8–177.5)

  1. Values are mean ± SD, median (IQR), or number