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Fig. 3 | BMC Anesthesiology

Fig. 3

From: Validation of END-of-life ScorING-system to identify the dying patient: a prospective analysis

Fig. 3

Probability of ICU Death as compared to increasing values of ENDING-S (panel a) and SOFA score (panel b). For each patient, the higher the ENDING-s or SOFA score, the higher the probability of ICU death, the higher the amount of palliative care interventions (in green) that should be integrated with intensive care treatment (in blue). Palliative care and intensive care should not be mutually exclusive; they should instead integrate each-other during the entire course of the patient’s disease from the diagnosis and the initial organ dysfunction to the occurrence of multiorgan failure and end-of-life condition (within the dashed line). An appropriate scoring system should be characterized by a slope in score/outcome probability able to promote intensive care and palliative care integration continuously, and across different levels of patient’s severity

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