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Table 2 Clinical scales used for the study

From: Efficacy of premedication with intranasal dexmedetomidine for removal of inhaled foreign bodies in children by flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial

Separation score [19]

 1. Excellent; separate easily

 2. Good; not clinging, whimpers, easy to calm

 3. Fair; not clinging, cries, not calm with reassurance

 4. Poor; crying, clinging to their parent

Tolerance of the anesthetic mask during anesthesia induction [19]

 1. Excellent; unafraid, cooperative, easy acceptance of mask

 2. Good; slight fear of mask, easy to quite

 3. Fair; moderate fear, not quite with reassurance

 4. Poor; terrified, crying, agitated

Agitation score [19]

 1. Sleeping

 2. Awake, calm, and cooperative

 3. Crying, need consolation

 4. Restless, screaming inconsolable

 5. Combative, disoriented, trashing

  1. An agitation score of 4–5 is considered as agitation