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Table 2 EEG suppression for children with Emergence Delirium and children without emergence delirium. Values are number (propotion) or mean + SD

From: Emergence delirium in children is not related to intraoperative burst suppression – prospective, observational electrography study


Non-ED Group

(n = 57)

ED Group

(n = 40)

P value

Burst Suppression yes / no (%)

28 / 29

(49 / 51)

22 / 18

(55 / 45)


Burst Suppression duration (sec)

318 + 531

261 + 462


Isoelectric line duration (sec)

192 + 407

159 + 328


Burst Suppression strength

0.55 + 0.32

.59 + 0.31


  1. Comparing EEG suppression during anaesthesia for children with Emergence delirium (ED group) and children without Emergence delirium (Non ED group). (Chi-square Pearson and Mann-Whitney-U Test). Burst Suppression strength is calculated by dividing isoelectric line duration over Burst Suppression duration.