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Table 4 Postoperative analgesic effects of Proximal intercostal block (PICB); a comparison between PICB plus general anesthesia versus general anesthesia alone. Peri-operative opioids consumption includes opioids used during the intraoperative period and in the recovery room. Short-acting opioids include intravenous fentanyl. Long-acting opioids include intravenous morphine and meperidine

From: The ultrasound-guided proximal intercostal block: anatomical study and clinical correlation to analgesia for breast surgery

Pain scores, opioids consumption and PACU stay

GA with PICB (median/percentile; P25, P75)

GA without PICB (median/percentile; P25, P75)

P value

Initial numeric rating pain score in PACU (0–10)

0 (0,2.50)

0 (0,7.50)


Numeric rating pain score before discharge from PACU (0–10)

2.5 (0,3)

3.0 (2,4)


Total peri-operative opioids consumption (short and long acting opioids; intravenous morphine equivalent, mg)

7 (3.13,10.13)

11 (10,14.75)


Total peri-operative opioids consumption (long acting opioids; intravenous morphine equivalent, mg)

1 (0,2)

6 (2.50, 9.75)


PACU stay (minutes)

80 (71.25,105.00)

75 (71.25,90)
