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Table 1 Demographic and clinical characteristics based on the success rates of the epidural insertion

From: A novel approach to neuraxial anesthesia: application of an automated ultrasound spinal landmark identification



Total N = 100


First Attempt N = 92

Not First Attempt N = 8

Race, n (%)


51 (55.4)

05 (62.5)

056 (56.0)


12 (13.0)


012 (12.0)


12 (13.0)

01 (12.5)

013 (13.0)


17 (18.5)

02 (25.0)

019 (19.0)

Age (Years), mean (SD)

33.5 (5.79)

36.4 (12.9)

033.7 (6.57)

Weight (kg), mean (SD)

69.2 (9.43)

66.0 (6.34)

69.0 (9.24)

Height (m), mean (SD)

1.6 (0.06)

1.6 (0.03)

1.6 (0.06)

BMI (kg/m2), mean (SD)

28.1 (3.16)

26.4 (2.34)

28.0 (3.13)

Level of scan operator Consultant, n (%)

92 (100)

8 (100)

100 (100)

Skin to posterior complex depth (mm), mean (SD)

44.7 (6.3)

39.6 (6.7)

44.3 (6.5)