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Table 4 Summary of the questionnaire results

From: Standardised concentrations of morphine infusions for nurse/patient-controlled analgesia use in children


Disagree n(%)





Evaluation of the morphine PFS system for N/PCA; n (%)

 Set up time is quicker (5–9 min)

1 (0.8)

11 (8.8)

113 (90.4)

 New paperwork easier to use

2 (1.6)

26 (20.8)

97 (77.6)

 If PFS out-of-stock; easier to prepare standard concentration than previous system (prepare individual syringe based on patient weight)

6 (4.8)

42 (33.6)

77 (61.6)

 Little impact of distraction when setting up PFS compared to previous system

27 (21.6)

36 (28.8)

62 (49.6)

 Satisfied with using morphine PFS on daily practice

1 (0.8)

11 (8.8)

113 (90.4)

Quality of the morphine PFS system

 Less time spend in setting up PFS is beneficial


5 (4.0)

120 (96)

 Using PFS avoid waste of morphine ampoules

2 (1.6)

15 (12.0)

105 (84)

 Prefer using aseptically prepared standard concentration to individualized preparation (mg/kg)


16 (12.8)

109 (87.2)

 the morphine PFS system helped in making the process of administering N/PCA infusion safer

4 (3.2)

10 (8.0)

111 (88.8)

 The morphine PFS system help to provide better quality of care to paediatric patients

2 (1.6)

35 (28.0)

88 (70.4)

 Using PFS help in reducing incidents of injury might result from breaking ampoules

1 (0.8)

27 (21.6)

97 (77.6)

 The morphine PFS system provide more accurate dosing

4 (3.2)

35 (28.0)

86 (68.8)

Impact of the morphine PFS system on patient safety

 Overall the morphine PFS system help to improve patient safety


6 (4.8)

119 (95.2)

  1. Percentages (%) calculated out of the total number of respondents (n = 125)
  2. N/PCA: Nurse- or/ Patient-Controlled Analgesia; PFS: pre-filled syringe