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Table 1 Causes of ARDS: A total of 166 patients were retrospectively analysed in regard to the initial diagnoses leading to ARDS and subsequent ECMO request. In some cases a combination of causes was present (e.g. trauma and pneumonia, sepsis of other origin and pneumonia)

From: Interprofessional two-man team approach for interhospital transport of ARDS-patients under extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: a 10 years retrospective observational cohort study

Primary cause ECMO indication

Total number; %of all transported patients (n = 166)


59; 35,6%

Pneumonia related sepsis

15; 9%

Atypical pneumonia

3; 1,8%

Cardiac arrest

7; 4,2%


9; 5,4%

Influenza, other, nonspecified viral origin



3; 1,8%

H1N1 pneumonia

22; 13,2%

Decompensated COPD

9; 5,4%


1; 0,6%


16; 9,6%

Other (pulmonary embolism, intoxication, allergic, chemotherapy induced immunosuppression…)

19; 11,4%