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Table 1 Classification of severity of acute hypersensitivity reactions

From: Anaesthesia for a biopsy of corpus callosum in patient with a recent intra-operative anaphylaxis to an unknown anaesthetic allergen: a case report

Grade of reaction

Presence of symptoms

Mertes et al

Presence of symptoms

Cook et al


Presence of cutaneous signs

Rash, erythema, swelling (any of)


Presence of measurable but not life-threatening hypotension (defined as a decrease of more than 30% in blood pressure associated with unexplained tachycardia), difficulty of mechanical ventilation

Unexpected hypotension not severe (e.g. not requiring treatment), bronchospasm not severe (e.g. not requiring treatment), or both +/− Grade 1 features


Presence of life-threatening reactions, including profound hypotension (defined as a decrease of more than 50% of baseline), severe bronchospasm

Unexpected severe hypotension, and or severe bronchospasm, and or swelling with actual or potential airway compromise +/− Grade 1 features


Circulatory inefficacy (PEA arrest or arrhythmia), severe bronchospasm, inability to ventilate

Fulfilling indications for cardiopulmonary resuscitation


Grade 5 category not present in Mertes et al. classification.


  1. From Mertes et al., and Harper et al., PEA pulseless electrical activity