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Table 1 Literature review of anaesthetic management of patients with PS

From: Anaesthesia for chest wall reconstruction in a patient with Poland syndrome: CARE-compliant case report and literature review






Surgical procedure

Pre-operational examinations

Anaesthesia method


Anaesthesia induction

Airway management

Anaesthesia maintenance

Intraoperative monitoring

Pain management after surgery

Anaesthesia in Poland syndrome [14].

Sethuraman R/1998

An eight-month-old boy

Left sided PS

Left upper limb hypoplasia and absence of ribs on the left side of chest wall

CT scan of the thorax/20 min

General anaesthesia

5−1 thiopentone and tracheal intubation was facilitated with 2− 1 succinylcholine.

PVC tube and the lungs ventilated manually. Ventilation was controlled with a Mapleson F system

Nitrous oxide (66%), halothane 0.5-1% and 0.2 − 1 atracurium

Heart rate, respiratory rate, pulse oximetry, the others are not be clearly reported.

Letter to the editor [15].

Küpper HJ /1999

Same patient above

Children with musculo-skeletal diseases show an exceptional risk of developing succinylcholine-related complications including cardiac arrest.

The addition of halothane to maintain anaesthesia potentiates the risk for malignant hyperthermia

Anaesthetic Management of Patient with Poland Syndrome and Rheumatic Mitral Valve Stenosis: A Case Report [16].

Kabukcu HK /2005

A 17 year old male

PS and rheumatic mitral valve stenosis

Severe left thoracic cage deformities, with multiple abnormal left ribs and thoracic scoliosis, dextroposition of heart, severe mitral valve stenosis, grade 3 tricuspid regurgitation and severe pulmonary hypertension, congenital butonier deformity of the fingers of both hands.

Closed mitral commissurotomy/ 150 min.

The chest X-ray, arterial blood gases, the 2 dimensional and doppler echocardiographic examination, computerized tomography, respiratory function tests

General anaesthesia

0.05 μ− 1midazolam iv

2 μ− 1 fentanyl, 2.3− 1 propofol and 0.6− 1 rocuronium

Endotracheal intubation, intermittent positive pressure ventilation and positive end-expiratory pressure of 5 mmHg

TIVA technique using 3− 1propofol, 0.5− 1rocuronium and 10 μ− 1fentanyl

Arterial pressure, heart rate and oxygen saturation, pulmonary arterial catheter was inserted after induction of anaesthesia

Anaesthesia in Poland syndrome: A case report [17].

Ince I /2014

A 23-year old female

Right-sided PS

A right chest wall deformity, including absence of the pectoralis major, pectoralis minor, breast and nipple, rudimentary development of 3rd rib and 2, 3, 4, 5 syndactyly of the fingers

Breast reconstruction surgery/ 4 h.

Heart and lung auscultation, respiratory function tests, echocardiography. The others are not be clearly reported.

General anaesthesia


2−1 propofol, 2 μ− 1 fentanyl and 0.6− 1 rocuronium

TIVA by using 6− 1.h− 1propofol and 0.25 μ− 1.min− 1remifentanil.

Oxygen saturation, heart rate and arterial pressure, body temperature and end-tidal CO2

  1. TIVA Total intravenous anaesthesia, PVC Polyvinyl chloride