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Table 1 Baseline neurocognitive and social characteristics of the study population and normative control group

From: Influence of the postoperative inflammatory response on cognitive decline in elderly patients undergoing on-pump cardiac surgery: a controlled, prospective observational study


Normative controls (n = 32)

Study subjects (n = 42)

Age (year)a

68 ± 7

69 ± 6

Gender (n) F / Mb

18 / 14

20 / 22

Education (year)c

14 (9–16)

12 (11–12)

MMSE (score)d

29 (28–30)

28 (27–28)

  1. Data are presented as the mean ± standard deviation, median (interquartile range) and number of patients
  2. aunpaired t test
  3. bχ2 test and Fischer’s exact test
  4. cMann-Whitney U test. F female, M male, and MMSE Mini Mental State Examination. There is no significant difference between normative controls and study subjects regarding age, gender and education
  5. dBased on the a priori criterion of a significant difference in MMSE scores (i.e., ≥ 2 scores [30, 31]), the median MMSE scores do not differ in the normative controls and study subjects. Additionally, there is no difference in the baseline cognition between the two groups