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Table 3 Validation of the muscle function algorithm (head lift, arm lift, swallowing 20Ā ml water, eye opening), tactile fading after peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS), and uncalibrated acceleromyography (AMG) to identify patients with TOFĀ <Ā 0.9 or TOFĀ <Ā 0.7 in the post anaesthesia care unit. Results (with 95% confidence intervals) from a second prospective cohort of 100 patients

From: Development of an algorithm using clinical tests to avoid post-operative residual neuromuscular block

Ā Ā 

Algorithm of muscle function tests

Fading following PNS

Uncalibrated AMG

TOFĀ <Ā 0.9


92.5% [85.1; 96.9]

33.7% [24.2; 44.3]

93.6% [86.5; 97.6]


42.9% [9.9; 81.6]

0.0% [0.0; 41.0]

100.0% [59.0; 100]

TOFĀ <Ā 0.7


100% [94.9; 100]

18.8% [10.4; 30.1]

94.4% [86.2; 98.4]


34.5% [17.9; 54.3]

16.7% [5.6; 34.7]

89.7% [72.6; 97.8]