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Table 4 Incidence of unexpected adverse events

From: Combatting pain after orthopedic/trauma surgery- perioperative oral extended-release tapentadol vs. extended-release oxycodone/naloxone

Side effect


N = 133




Central-nervous side effects


3 (0)


Confusion was observed in the immediate post-operative period, neurologic function recovered spontaneously while study medication was continued



1 (1)

Delirium developed on treatment day 2 (20/10 mg daily dose), and resolved on day4 after discontinuation of study medication


1 (0)


Patient had a history of convulsions upon stress and sleep deprivation

 Optical hallucinations (yellow circles)

1 (1)


Hallucinations disappeared two days after discontinuation of study medication

Mood disorders

 Euphoria, increased talkativeness

2 (2)


Euphoria resolved after dose reduction



1 (1)

Anxiety and catastrophizing reaction resolved when study medication was discontinued

 Sleeplessness and agitation


4 (4)

Sleeplessness and agitation occurred following withdrawl of study medication

Cardio-vascular side effects


1 (0)

1 (0)

Hypertension was noted pre-operatively


1 (0)


Dysrhythmia was diagnosed pre-operatively


1 (1)


Blood pressure was restored to normal when study medication was discontinued

Other minor side effects

 Skin rash

1 (0)

1 (0)



3 (1)

5 (3)

4 cases attributed to metamizol

 Dry mouth

3 (3)

2 (2)

(5) ameliorated after dose reduction

 Aching stomach, heartburn

5 (1)

3 (1)

(2) ameliorated after dose reduction


1 (0)

1 (0)




1 (0)

  1. N = number of patients affected, in brackets number of cases potentially related to study medication