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Table 1 Patient characteristics, surgery characteristics and occurrence of pulmonary complications

From: Risk factors for pulmonary complications after hepatic resection: role of intraoperative hemodynamic instability and hepatic ischemia

Study sample (n = 94)


Mean ± SD or n (%)

General characteristics


61 ± 13

 Male gender

56 (60)

 Body Mass Index

25 ± 5

 Daily tobacco consumption

30 (32)

 Daily alcohol consumption

13 (14)

 ASA score > 2

50 (53)

General comorbidities


9 (10)


4 (4)


6 (6)


10 (11)

 Chronic Kidney Disease

8 (9)


11 (12)

Hepatic comorbidities

 Non cancer hepatopathy

24 (26)

  HCV infection

7 (7)

  HBV infection

5 (5)


12 (12)

  Alcoholic cirrhosis

4 (4)


19 (20)

 Portal hypertension

8 (9)


6 (6)

 Liver underwent chimiotherapy

4 (4)

Etiology of surgery

 Primitive HCC

22 (23)


55 (59)

  Primitive colic cancer

33 (35)

  Primitive stomach cancer

4 (4)

  Primitive breast cancer

4 (4)


17 (18)

Surgery characteristics

 Major hepatectomy

45 (48)

 Minor hepatectomy

40 (43)


9 (10)

 Presence of clamping

69 (73)

  by PTC

54 (57)


11 (12)

  By PTC and TVEL

4 (4)


24 (26)


45 (48)

 Ischemia duration in min

26 ± 21

 Bleeding volume in mL

529 ± 389

 Duration of surgery in min

254 ± 89

Anesthetic characteristics

 Blood transfusion

27 (29)

  blood volume transfused in mL

926 ± 562

 Diuresis volume

398 ± 309

 Use of vasopressive drug(s)

47 (50)

Pulmonary complications

 Presence of ≥1 complications (PPCs)

32 (34)

  In those:


1 (1)

   Pulmonary embolism

4 (4)

   Drained pleural effusion

6 (6)


13 (14)

  1. ASA score American Society of Anesthesiology score, COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, SD standard deviation, ASS apnoea sleep syndrome, NASH non alcoholic steatohepatitis, HCC hepatocellular carcinoma, TVEL Total vascular exclusion of the liver, PTC portal triad clamping, ARDS acute respiratory distress syndrome, ASS apnoea sleep syndrome, PO pulmonary oedema, HCV hepatitis C virus, HBV hepatitis B virus