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Table 1 Criteria for home based intravenous analgesia following major ambulatory surgery

From: Outpatient multimodal intravenous analgesia in patients undergoing day-case surgery: description of a three year experience

Criteria for home-based continuous intravenous analgesia (HBCIA) after ambulatory surgery at our centre

 − Type of surgeries eligible for home based iv analgesia

 − Shoulder surgeries: acromioplasty and other shoulder arthroscopic procedures

 − Upper limbs surgeries: arthroplasty, rhizarthrosis surgery, osteotomy, osteosynthesis

 − Lower limb surgeries: knee ligamentoplasty, hallux valgus surgery, foot osteotomy, foot arthroplasty

 − Proctologic surgery

 − Any surgery anticipated to induce moderate or intense pain.

Patients not candidates for invasive home analgesia

 − Patients with cognitive dysfunction

 − History of drug abuse or psychiatric disease

 − Patients without family support at home

 − Patients with known drug allergies

 − Patients that live within a distance from the hospital considered too far that would make the visit of the nurses not feasible