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Table 5 Comparison of mean values of VAS in the studied groups

From: Comparison of fentanyl versus meperidine as supplements to epidural clonidine-bupivacaine in patients with lower limb orthopedic surgery under combined spinal epidural anesthesia


Fentanyl group (n = 45)

Meperidine group (n = 45)

Clonidine group (n = 45)

Immediate post-operative

0.95 ± 0.35

0.75 ± 0.29

1.1 ± 0.42

1- h

1.2 ± 0.46

0.87 ± 0.39

1.23 ± 0.42

2- h

1.69 ± 0.52

1.17b ± 0.29

2.95a ± 0.85

3- h

3.27a ± 1.15

1.34b ± .28

3.82a ± 1.35

4- h

3.72a ± 0.88

2.75ab ± 0.95

4.23a ± 0.74

8- h

4.15a ± 1.52

3.98a ± 1.38

4.55a ± 1.33

12- h

4.37a ± 1.4

4.15a ± 1.26

4.66a ± 1.19

16- h

4.52a ± 1.29

4.36a ± 1.49

4.65a ± 1.37

24- h

4.65a ± 1.35

4.45a ± 1.22

4.72a ± 1.16

  1. aSignificant within group change (p <0.05), bSignificant among groups change (p <0.05)
  2. Data are mean ± standard deviation