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Figure 3 | BMC Anesthesiology

Figure 3

From: Time impact on non-activated and kaolin-activated blood samples in thromboelastography

Figure 3

Differences between citrated non-activated (CN) and citrated kaolin-activated (CK) method for each parameter after 0, 15 and 30 minutes. Little sign means statically significant differences between methods within the same time group and error bars represent SD. R – reaction time, time from the start of sample run to the first detectable clot formation (amplitude =2 mm); K – time from R to the clot amplitude of 20 mm (to specify the kinetics of the clot development); alfa angle, angle formed by the slope between the amplitude of the trace at 2 mm and 20 mm; MA, maximum clot amplitude; LY 30 and LY 60, level of fibrinolysis at 30 and 60 min, respectively, after MA was reached. * means p < 0.05; ** means p < 0.01; *** means p < 0.001. Manufacturer references for citrated non-activated method: R 9–27 minutes, K 2–9 minutes, alfa angle 22–58 degrees, MA 44–64 mm, LY 30 0-8%, LY 60 0-15%. Manufacturer references for citrated kaolin-activated method: R 2–8 minutes, K 1–3 minutes, alfa angle 55–78 degrees, MA 51–69 mm, LY 30 0-8%, LY 60 0-15%.

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