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Table 1 Changes of respiratory mechanics and functions in obese patients

From: Perioperative lung protective ventilation in obese patients

Physiological changes

Challenges for respiratory management

Excessive oro-pharyngeal adiposity

Upper airway obstruction

Increased risk of pharyngeal collapse during sleep

Frequent sleep apnea/obesity hypoventilation syndrome

Decreased compliance (chest wall > lung)

Decreased compliance during mechanical ventilation

Increased airway resistance


Increased work of breathing


Increase in resting VO2

Frequent hypoxemic events

Decrease in FRC and EELV


FRC < closing capacity

Rapid oxygen desaturation

Small airway closure


Alveolar collapse


Ventilation–perfusion (V/Q) mismatch


Increased PA-aO2, Decreased PaO2

  1. (EELV = End-expiratory lung volume; FRC = Functional residual capacity; PaO2 = Arterial partial pressure of oxygen; PA-aO2 = Alveolar to arterial partial pressure of oxygen; VO2 = Oxygen consumption; V/Q = Ventilation/perfusion).