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Table 2 Percentages of bias (CItd-CIpc)*-values exceeding critical thresholds

From: Predictors of the accuracy of pulse-contour cardiac index and suggestion of a calibration-index: a prospective evaluation and validation study

Threshold of Bias CItd-CIpc




Bias CItd-CIpc ≥ 20%

13/280 (4.6%)

20/314 (6.4%)

33/594 (5.6%)

Bias CItd-CIpc ≤ 20%

25/280 (8.9%)

27/314 (8.6%)

52/594 (8.8%)

|Bias CItd-CIpc| ≥ 20%

38/280 (13.6%)

47/314 (15.0%)

85/594 (14.3%)

Bias CItd-CIpc ≥ 15%

26/280 (9.3%)

36/314 (11.5%)

62/594 (10.4%)

Bias CItd-CIpc ≤ 15%

40/280 (14.3%)

36/314 (11.5%)

76/594 (12.8%)

|Bias CItd-CIpc| ≥ 15%

66/280 (23.6%)

72/314 (22.9%)

138/594 (23.2%)

Bias CItd-CIpc ≥ 0.5 L/min/m2

34/280 (12.1%)

43/314 (13.7%)

77/594 (13.0%)

Bias CItd-CIpc ≤ 0.5 L/min/m2

46/280 (16.4%)

43/314 (13.7%)

89/594 (15.0%)

|Bias CItd-CIpc| ≥ 0.5 L/min/m2

80/280 (28.5%)

86/314 (27.4%)

166/594 (27.9%)

  1. *CItd: Thermodilution-derived Cardiac Index.
  2. *CIpc: Pulse-contour-derived Cardiac Index.