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Table 1 Evoked potentials and pain scores recorded during baseline and fMRI protocols in healthy volunteers.

From: Contact heat evoked potentials using simultaneous EEG and fMRI and their correlation with evoked pain


N2 latency (s)

Amplitude (μV)

VAS (0–10)


0.319 ± 0.006

24.87 ± 2.15

5.30 ± 0.53


0.317 ± 0.006

24.49 ± 2.77

5.97 ± 0.57


ns (p = 0.4183)

ns (p = 0.3402)

ns (p = 0.1918)

Mean ± SEM

ns = not significant

  1. Average data (n = 10) for evoked potential latency, amplitude and pain scores during baseline and fMRI protocols. There were no significant differences between the results obtained in the baseline and fMRI sessions.