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Table 2 Postoperative Pain [mean NRS (SE); 95%CI]

From: The effect of initial local anesthetic dose with continuous interscalene analgesia on postoperative pain and diaphragmatic function in patients undergoing arthroscopic shoulder surgery: a double-blind, randomized controlled trial



24 h

48 h

12 weeks

5 mL

2.67 (0.93); 0.61-4.71*

3.67 (0.74); 2.03-5.30

2.67 (0.72); 1.08-4.25

1.5 (0.45); 0.50-2.50

10 mL

1.58 (0.80); -0.18-3.35

3.33 (0.80); 1.57-5.10

2.08 (0.65); 0.66-3.50

2.42 (0.85); 0.55-4.28

20 mL

0.62 (0.40); -0.26-1.49*

2.54 (0.67); 1.09-3.99

2.15 (0.56); 0.92-3.38

1.15 (0.34); 0.42-1.89

  1. NRS: numeric rating scale; SE: Standard Error; 95%CI: 95% Confidence Interval * p = 0.04 for 5 mL compared to 20 mL only; for all other comparisons p > 0.05