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Table 3 Comparison of onset and recovery time, dose rate of drug infusion, and satisfaction scores

From: Combined use of dexmedetomidine and propofol in monitored anesthesia care: a randomized controlled study


P group (n = 28)

D group (n = 29)

M group (n = 30)

P value

Onset time (seconds)

 Time to OAA/S score 3

502.7 (149.5)

709.1 (106.0)*

538.9 (81.1)


 Time to BIS 70

590.3 (146.8)

809.3 (106.7)*

621.1 (96.0)


Recovery time (seconds)

 Time to OAA/S 5

478.8 (178.4)

580.9 (178.1)

495.5 (178.8)


 Time to BIS 90

585.2 (188.4)

682.0 (179.2)

585.9 (188.6)


Dose rate of drug infusion

 Propofol (mg/kg/h)

3.54 (1.01)


1.59 (0.56)


 Dexmedetomidine (μg/kg/h)


1.26 (0.37)

0.61 (0.17)


 Patient satisfaction score (VAS)

90.0 (7.9)

89.2 (9.2)

95.0 (4.7)*


 Surgeon satisfaction score (VAS)

81.0 (10.4)

87.3 (8.1)*

93.7 (5.9)*


  1. Values are mean (standard deviation)
  2. OAA/S score Observer Assessment of Alertness/Sedation score, BIS bispectral index, VAS visual analog scale
  3. *P < 0.05 compared to the P group, P < 0.05 compared to the D group