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Table 2 The times taken to reach the target sevoflurane concentrations using a test lung (A) at variable rates of fresh gas flow (FGF) and different types of anesthesia machine (Primus®, Perseus®, and Zeus®-fresh gas mode), (B) at variable rates of FGF and different modes in Zeus® (Zeus®-F; Zeus® fresh gas mode, Zeus®-A; Zeus® auto-mode) using a lung model. The data are presented as median (95% confidence interval) in seconds. At different FGF rates, but in the same type of AM (Perseus®, Primus®, and Zeus®-F), the time to target concentration shortened as the FGF rate increased (P < 0.05; for simplicity, no statistical remarks are included in the table). Identical data are shown for Zeus®-F mode in Tables A and B. **P < 0.05 for comparisons with Zeus®-F. TCA; target-controlled anesthesia

From: The effect of fresh gas flow rate and type of anesthesia machine on time to reach target sevoflurane concentration


FGF rate



Zeus®-F (fresh gas mode)

 0.5 L/min

1165 (1150–1185)

920* (883–960)

1590* (1528–1639)

 1 L/min

534 (505–538)

445* (428–474)

705* (690–729)

 3 L/min

155 (149–164)

134* (121–137)

255* (247–260)


FGF rate

Zeus ®-F (fresh gas mode)

FGF rate

Zeus®-A (auto-mode)

 0.5 L/min

1590 (1528–1639)

Auto-control of FGF by TCA

380 ** (374–389)

 1 L/min

705 (690–729)

 3 L/min

255 (247–260)

  1. *P < 0.05 for comparisons with Primus® .P < 0.05 for comparisons with Perseus®
  2. **P < 0.05 for comparisons with Zeus®-F