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Table 1 AUC value of NRS scores for thermal and mechanical hyperalgesia

From: A comparison of intrathecal magnesium and ketamine in attenuating remifentanil-induced hyperalgesia in rats


Group C

Group RI

Group RIMlow

Group RIMhigh

Group RIK

Thermal hyperalgesia

 AUCT0-24 h

431.3 ± 32.4

179.9 ± 12.1*

226.0 ± 11.4*,**

276.5 ± 18.0*, **, ***

301.4 ± 12.5*, **, ***

 AUCT0-48 h

828.8 ± 60.4

325.4 ± 24.7*

409.0 ± 21.1*, **

518.0 ± 35.8*, **, ***

557.9 ± 18.8*, **, ***

 AUCT48-72 h

399.0 ± 30.6

210.0 ± 11.1*

252.0 ± 12.8*, **

289.5 ± 18.6*, **, ***

301.5 ± 15.0*, **, ***

Mechanical hyperalgesia

 AUCM0-24 h

338.8 ± 27.2

133.5 ± 31.6*

170.9 ± 11.2*

204.6 ± 16.5* **

238.9 ± 25.7*, **, ***

 AUCM0-48 h

659.8 ± 42.5

243.0 ± 40.2*

323.9 ± 15.6*, **

387.6 ± 25.7*, **, ***

459.4 ± 39.3*, **, ***, ****

 AUCM48-72 h

318.0 ± 28.7

165.0 ± 20.0*

216.0 ± 12.8*, **

229.5 ± 15.0*, **

255.0 ± 15.4*, **, ***

  1. Data are mean ± SD. AUC Area under the curve
  2. Groups allocation: RI Group remifentanil + surgical incision, C Group Control, RIK Group intrathecal 10 μg ketamine, RIM low Group intrathecal 100 μg MgSO4, RIM high Group intrathecal 300 μg MgSO4
  3. *: P < 0.001 vs group C; **:P < 0.001 vs group RI; ***: P < 0.01 vs group RIMlow
  4. ****P < 0.01 vs group RIMhigh