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Table 1 Baseline characteristics

From: Optimizing left ventricular-arterial coupling during the initial resuscitation in septic shock – a pilot prospective randomized study


Usual care group (n = 42)

VAC-optimized group (n = 40)

Age (years), mean ± SD

70 ± 12

68 ± 16

Male/Female, n



Body mass index (kg/m2), mean ± SD

22.9 ± 3.8

22.8 ± 3.4

APACHE II score at enrollment, mean ± SD

20 ± 5

21 ± 6

SOFA score at enrollment, mean ± SD

9 ± 3

9 ± 4

Time from ICU admission to randomization (hours), median (IQR)

2.0 (0.5, 8.5)

2.0 (1.0, 10.8)

Comorbidities, n (%)


14 (33)

19 (48)


12 (29)

8 (20)

 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

6 (14)

10 (25)

 Chronic kidney disease

4 (10)

5 (13)

 Coronary heart disease

3 (7)

4 (10)

Source of infection, n (%)


21 (50)

23 (58)


10 (24)

8 (20)

 Digestive tract

9 (21)

6 (15)


9 (21)

2 (5)*

 Urinary tract

2 (5)

7 (18)


4 (10)

2 (5)

Invasive mechanical ventilation, n (%)

27 (64)

28 (70)

Ventilator settings, mean ± SD

 Tidal volume (mL/kg of PBW)

8.3 ± 2.0

8.2 ± 2.3

 Driving pressure (cmH2O)

14 ± 4

14 ± 3

 PEEP (cmH2O)

6 ± 2

7 ± 3

Analgesic and sedative drugs, n (%)


18 (43)

16 (40)


20 (48)

18 (45)


7 (17)

10 (25)

Cumulative fluid volume before NE infusion (mL/kg), mean ± SD

19.0 ± 10.3

18.8 ± 10.4

  1. * P value < 0.05 for the comparison between both groups
  2. VAC ventricular-arterial coupling, APACHE acute physiology and chronic health evaluation, SOFA sequential organ failure assessment, PBW predicted body weight, PEEP positive end-expiratory pressure, NE norepinephrine, IQR interquartile range, SD standard deviation