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Table 1 Eligibility Criteria

From: The evolution of mean arterial pressure in critically ill patients on vasopressors before and during a trial comparing a specific mean arterial pressure target to usual care



Pre-trial group

Non-enrolled group

Usual care control group

Inclusion criteria

Inclusion criteria

Inclusion criteria

•-At least 65 years of age

•-Admitted to ICU with hypotension as a diagnosis

•-Receiving vasopressor therapy for at least 6 consecutive hours in the ICU during index hospitalization

•-At least 65 years of age

•-Admitted to ICU with hypotension as a diagnosis

•-Receiving vasopressor therapy for at least 6 consecutive hours in the ICU during index hospitalization

•-At least 65 years of age

•-Working diagnosis of vasodilatory hypotension as assessed by treating team

•-Vasopressors started < 12 h before randomization

•-Vasopressors expected for 6 additional hours as assessed by the treating team

Exclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

•-Treated for brain or spinal injury or acute brain injury during index hospitalization

•-Vasopressors administered solely for: bleeding, acute ventricular failure or post-cardiopulmonary bypass vasoplegia

•-Organ transplant within the past year

•-Received ECMO during index hospitalization

•-Treated for brain or spinal injury or acute brain injury during index hospitalization

•-Vasopressors administered solely for: bleeding, acute ventricular failure or post-cardiopulmonary bypass vasoplegia

•-Organ transplant within the past year

•-Received ECMO during index hospitalization

•-Actively treated for brain injury or spinal cord injury

•-Vasopressors being given solely for bleeding, acute ventricular failure or post-cardiopulmonary bypass vasoplegia

•-Lacking commitment to life-sustaining therapies

•-Death perceived as imminent

•-Previously enrolled in OVATION-65

•-Organ transplant within the last year

•-ECMO at baseline

•-The treating physician(s) lacks equipoise regarding the overall effects of permissive hypotension versus usual care on patient important outcomes

  1. Abbreviations: ECMO extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, OVATION-65 Optimal VAsopressor TitratION in patients 65 years and older, ICU intensive care unit