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Table 3 Effectiveness outcomes

From: Impact of dexmedetomidine supplemented analgesia on delirium in patients recovering from orthopedic surgery: A randomized controlled trial


Placebo group (n = 354)

Dexmedetomidine group (n = 356)

RR, HR, or estimated difference (95% CI) a

P value

Primary outcome

 Overall incidence of delirium

26 (7.3%)

17 (4.8%)

RR = 0.650 (0.359, 1.177)


 Overall incidence of delirium (per-protocol analysis)

26 (7.5%) (n = 347)

17 (4.8%) (n = 351)

RR = 0.646 (0.356, 1.170)


Secondary outcomes

 Sufentanil equivalent within 5 postoperative days (μg)

107 (92, 133)

106 (89, 129)

Median D = -2.6 (-7.5, 2.4)


 Use of NSAIDs within 5 postoperative days b

307 (86.7%)

315 (88.5%)

RR = 1.020 (0.965, 1.078)


 Length of hospital stay (day)

5 (5, 6)

5 (5, 6)

HR = 1.033 (0.891, 1.197)


 Non-delirium complications within 30 days

18 (5.1%)

11 (3.1%)

RR = 0.608 (0.291, 1.268)


 All-cause 30-day mortality

0 (0.0%)

0 (0.0%)


 > 0.999

 WHOQOL-BREF, scorec

  Physical domain

51.6 ± 14.6 [2]

55.4 ± 14.3 [5]

Mean D = 3.8 (1.6, 5.9)


  Psychological domain

70.3 ± 11.1 [2]

73.1 ± 13.4 [5]

Mean D = 2.8 (1.0, 4.7)


  Social relationships domain

71.9 ± 6.2 [2]

72.5 ± 5.7 [5]

Mean D = 0.6 (-0.3, 1.5)


  Environment domain

61.7 ± 10.8 [2]

63.1 ± 10.4 [5]

Mean D = 1.4 (-0.1, 3.0)


 TICS-m, score d

28.8 ± 5.0 [5]

28.4 ± 5.0 [10]

Mean D = -0.3 (-1.1, 0.4)


Exploratory analyses

 Motoric subtype of delirium




328 (92.7%)

339 (95.2%)



20 (5.6%)




5 (1.4%)

4 (1.1%)



1 (0.3%)

2 (0.6%)


 Delirium requiring drug treatment e

1 (0.3%)

1 (0.3%)

RR = 0.994 (0.062, 15.836)

 > 0.999

  1. Data are number (%), median (interquartile range), median (95% CI), or mean ± SD. Numbers in square brackets indicate patients with missing data
  2. RR relative risk, HR hazard ratio, D difference, NSAIDs non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, WHOQOL-BREF the World Health Organization Quality of Life-brief version, TICS-m the Chinese version Telephone Interview for Cognitive Status-modified
  3. aCalculated as dexmedetomidine group vs. or minus placebo group
  4. bInclude flurbiprofen axetil, parecoxib and loxoprofen
  5. cSeven patients were lost to follow-up at 30 days
  6. dSeven patients were lost to follow-up at 30 days; eight patients refused cognitive assessment at 30 days
  7. eThese two patients received dexmedetomidine