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Fig. 2 | BMC Anesthesiology

Fig. 2

From: Design of a novel multifunction decision support/alerting system for in-patient acute care, ICU and floor (AlertWatch AC)

Fig. 2

a. Patient View: When any patient is tapped in the census view, the patient view will appear, seen below. The patient view has three sections: on the right side are patient demographics and other patient information, which is described in detail in the text; in the center is the organ system icon view and to the right are the current active alerts. Below the patient are the current labs. The color coding of the display signifies within the normal range: (green), yellow: (slightly out of the normal range), and red: (being abnormal values). When any of the colored icons or squares are tapped the details of that aspect of the patient will be presented with trend plots of the relevant variables. The text alerts come in three severities: black alerts are informational, red text alerts are more important and red scrolling alerts are most important and may be programmed to automatically send a page to a provider. b. Patient View, Care Team Contacts: In the upper left of the patient view is an icon of a telephone. When it is tapped the patient’s care team and their contact information is presented in the drop-down menu. When viewing from a smart phone, tapping the telephone number will directly call the provider. c. Patient View Demographics: On the left-side of the patient view below the demographics are important variables such as ventilator days, urinary catheter days, etc. Below that are the four service scores and deterioration index. If the SOFA score is tapped, the table appears which determines which components of the SOFA score are in the normal and abnormal ranges in a trend spot of the SOFA score. d. Patient View, Information: Following the SIRS scores is an I/O box, it shows the trend of input and output fluids and are presented along with the patient’s weight and positive fluid balance for a 24-h period. Represented by a column above the zero-line (green) and a negative fluid balance (blue) for the 24-h is a column below zero-line. e. Patient View, Precautions & Infusions: Below the I/O balance are precautions, which note whether the patient has contact precautions and tapping that square will show which infectious agents are of concern. Below that are infusions. When the infusion is tapped the current infusions with their dosing rates are presented

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