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Table 1 Demographic data of hyperlactatemia patients

From: Stepwise lactate kinetics in critically ill patients: prognostic, influencing factors, and clinical phenotype

Number of patients


Sex (male, patients/%)

1695 (51.3)

Age (years)

56.58 ± 16.26


 Emergency department (patients/%)

14 (0.43)

 Internal medicine department (patients/%)

318 (9.64)

 Surgical department (patients/%)

2535 (76.86)

 Other hospital

431 (13.07)

Major disease

 Circulatory (patients/%)

646 (19.6%)

 Respiratory (patients/%)

302 (9.2%)

 Digestive (patients/%)

763 (23.1%)

 Nervous system (patients/%)

189 (5.7%)

 Endocrine (patients%)

214 (6.5%)

 Immunological (patients/%)

81 (2.5%)

 Kidney (patients/%)

119 (3.6%)

 Bone (patients/%)

208 (6.3%)

 Blood patients/%)

37 (1.1%)

 Other (patients/%)

739 (22.4%)


17.56 ± 8.49


8.29 ± 4.33

Baseline circulation

 CVP (mmHg)

9.17 ± 3.79

 HR (bpm)

97.49 ± 20.97

 SBP (mmHg)

135.22 ± 25.89

 DBP (mmHg)

70.90 ± 14.55

 MAP (mmHg)

92.69 ± 18.36

 ScvO2 (%)

75.27 ± 11.37

 Pcv-aCO2 (mmHg)

5.85 ± 3.43

 Lac (mmol/L)

6.22 ± 3.15

 Glu (mmol/L)

11.56 ± 3.83

  1. APACHE II Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation, SOFA sequential organ failure assessment, CVP central venous pressure, HR heart rate, SBP systolic blood pressure, DBP diastolic blood pressure, MAP mean arterial pressure, ScvO2 central venous oxygen saturation, Pcv-aCO2 central venous-to-arterial blood carbon dioxide partial pressure difference, Lac lactate, Glu blood glucose