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Table 3 Efficacy outcomes

From: Impact of goal-directed hemodynamic management on the incidence of acute kidney injury in patients undergoing partial nephrectomy: a pilot randomized controlled trial


Intervention group (n = 72)

Control group (n = 72)

Relative risk or median difference (95% CI)a

P value

Primary endpoint

 Acute kidney injury (ITT analysis)

9 (12.5%)

15 (20.8%)

RR = 0.60 (0.28–1.28)


 Acute kidney injury (PP analysis)

9 (12.7%) (n = 71)

15 (21.1%) (n = 71)

RR = 0.60 (0.28–1.28)


Secondary endpoints

 Acute kidney injury classification




63 (87.5%)

57 (79.2%)


  Stage 1

9 (12.5%)

12 (16.7%)


  Stage 2

0 (0.0%)

2 (2.8%)


  Stage 3

0 (0.0%)

1 (1.3%)


 Complications within 30 days

4 (5.6%)

5 (6.9%)

RR = 0.80 (0.22–2.86)

>  0.999

 Postoperative bleedingb

2 (2.8%)

1 (1.4%)


  Acute coronary syndromec

1 (1.4%)

0 (0.0%)


  Surgical infectiond

1 (1.4%)

4 (5.6%)


Length of hospital stay after surgery (day)

4 (4, 5)

4 (4, 5)

MD = 0.0 (0.0–0.0)


30-day mortality

0 (0.0%)

0 (0.0%)


>  0.999

6-month mortality

0 (0.0%)

1 (1.4%)


>  0.999

  1. Data are number (%), mean ± SD, or median (interquartile range)
  2. ITT intention-to treat, PP per-protocol
  3. aCalculated as the intervention group vs. or minus the control group
  4. bContinued decrease of hemoglobin level and required blood transfusion and/or transarterial embolization
  5. cNon-ST elevation myocardial infarction, diagnosed according to serum cardiac troponin I elevation and echocardiographic examination
  6. dFever > 38 °C, increased white blood cell count (> 12 × 109/L) and elevated inflammatory biomarkers necessitating upgrading antibiotic treatment