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Table 1 Patients’ assessment of Form 1 (n = 32)

From: PreAnaesThesia computerized health (PATCH) assessment: development and validation







 Do you understand why we have asked you to complete the questionnaire?

32 (100)

0 (0)

 Did the questions seem relevant to you and your medical history?

31 (96.9)

1 (3.1)

Language and content

 Did you understand most of the wording of the questionnaire?

31 (96.9)

1 (3.1)

 Were there any medical terms you did not understand?

9 (28.1)

23 (71.9)

 Were there any questions you felt were important but missed?

5 (15.6)

27 (84.4)

 Did the questions prompt you to remember anything?

3 (9.4)

29 (90.6)

 Was there any area that had too many questions on?

2 (6)

30 (94)

 Were there any questions you did not feel comfortable/expect answering?

0 (0)

32 (00)