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Table 2 Summary of included studies and baseline characteristics of their populations

From: Comparison of regional and local anesthesia for arteriovenous fistula creation in end-stage renal disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis


Design and study arms

Sample size (n)

Age (M ± SD, years)

Sex (n)

Comorbidities (n)

Duration of follow up

Outcomes Examined

Mouquet, et al. 1989

RCT (BPB vs. LA or GA)


52 ± 16

Male (23); Female (13)

2 h; 3 days; 10 days

Brachial artery blood flow

Solomonson, et al. 1994

Retrospective study (BPB vs. LA or GA)


63 ± 14

Male (245); Female (163)

Infection (16); Neuropathy (9); Seizure (1); Cardiac event (17)

Fistula failure; Graft infection, neuropathy in the extremity receiving the fistula; Seizure; Cardiac arrest; MI; Death within 7 days

Lo Monte, et al. 2011

RCT (BPB vs. LA)


BPB, 66.15 ± 7.55; LA, 66 ± 7.49

Male (23); Female (17)

Diabetes (15); High blood pressure (13); Systemic lupus erythematosus (5); Glomerulonephritis (4); Autoimmune vasculitis (3);

100 days

PI ratio; Venous / arterial diameter; Vein diameter

Sahin, et al. 2011

RCT (BPB vs. LA)


BPB, 43.4 ± 10.7; LA, 46.8 ± 12.5

Male (34); Female (26)

Diabetes (24); Hypertension (27); Coronary artery Disease (21)

3 h; 7 days; 8 weeks

Radial artery flow; Fistula flow; Thrill presence

Shoshiashvili, et al. 2014

RCT (BPB vs. LA)


BPB, 60.1 ± 14; LA, 59.7 ± 13

Male (68); Female (35)

Arterial hypertension (87); Diabetes (18); Ischemic heart disease (9); Gastric ulcer (1); Hepatitis B (2); Hepatitis C (7); Osteoblastoma (1)

100 days

Intra-operative pain; Need for intraoperative pain killers; Need for postoperative pain killers; Duration of anesthesia (h); Attitude to the type of anesthesia; Pain intensity, night sleep; Limb immobility; Operation duration (min)

Meena, et al. 2015

RCT (BPB vs. LA)


BPB, 41.33 ± 12.906; LA, 47.7 ± 12.272

Male (46); Female (14)

Diabetes (8); Hypertension (21); Hypertension (14); IgA (15)

30 min 48 h; 2 weeks; 6 weeks

Vessel diameter; Peak systolic velocity; Mean diastolic velocity; Blood flow

Aitken, et al. 2016

RCT (BPB vs. LA)


60.8 ± 14.8

Male (79); Female (47)

Diabetes (34); Ischemic heart disease (48); Cerebrovascular accident (9); Hypertension (93) Obesity (41)

3 months

Brachial artery blood flow; Radiocephalic fistulae; Cephalic vein (wrist) diameter (mm); Brachiocephalic fistulae; Brachial artery diameter (mm); Cephalic vein (elbow) diameter (mm)

Nofal, et al. 2017

RCT (BPB vs. LA)


BPB, 39.52 ± 5.46; LA, 42.42 ± 5.41

Male (79); Female (61)

4 h; 1 week; 3 months

Radial artery internal diameter; Cephalic vein internal diameter

  1. BPB brachial plexus block, IgA immunoglobulin A, GA general anesthesia, LA local anesthesia, MI myocardial infarction, PI pulsatility Index Ratio, RCT randomized controlled trial, M ± SD mean ± standard deviatio