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Table 2 Characteristics of intervention and outcomes

From: Effects of dexamethasone on post-operative cognitive dysfunction and delirium in adults following general anaesthesia: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials

Study ID

Dexamethas one doses


Time of intervention or control

POCD/POD assessment method

POCD/POD definition

Assessment time

Fang 2014

D1:0.1 mg/kg D2:0.2 mg/kg


before induction of anesthesia

Neuro-Psychologic-al test battery

An individual whose postoperative performance deteriorated by 1 or more SDs on 2 or more tests was classified as having experienced early POCD.

the day before and On the fifth postoperativ-e day

Glumac 2017

0.1 mg/kg


10 h before the surgery

a battery of five neuropsychological tests

Authous calculated the Jacobson and Truax Reliable Change Index (RCI) for each patient in the dexamethasone and placebo groups. POCD in an individual is defined as an RCI equal to or less than S1.96 on at least one test

on the 6th day after the surgical procedure

Mardani 2013

8 mg DEX intravenous before induction of anesthesia followed by 8 mg every 8 h for 3 day.


before induction of anesthesia followed every 8 h for 3 day


delirium disorder was diagnosed if DSM-IV criteria were met in a patient

Preoperative day (PROD), first, second, andthird postoperativ-e day.

Ottens 2014

1 mg/kg (maximum 100 mg)


shortly after induction of general anesthesia

a battery of five neuropsychological tests

Authous calculated the Jacobson and Truax Reliable Change Index (RCI), they defined POCD in an individual patient as an RCI equal to or less than −1.96, or Z-score equal to or less than − 1.96 in at least two different tests.

1 day before surgery and 1 month and 12 months after surgery

Sauer 2014

1 mg/kg (maximum 100 mg)


at the time of induction of anesthesia


POD: diagnosed by the Confusion Assessment Method (CAM) adapted for the ICU (CAM-ICU) .

The primary study outcome was the presence of delirium on any of the first 4 postoperativ-e days. 7 days a week at a fixed time point

  1. POCD = postoperative cognitive dysfunction, POD = postoperative delirium, NS: normal saline, MSSE = Mini-Mental State Examination, SD = standard deviation, RCI = Jacobson and Truax Reliable Change Index, CAM = Confusion Assessment Method, CAM-ICU=Confusion Assessment Method adapted for the ICU, PROD = Preoperative day