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Table 2 Main Outcome Parameters

From: Dislocation rates of postoperative airway exchange catheters - a prospective case series of 200 patients

n = 198

Oral AEC n = 74

Nasal AEC n = 124


Size of AEC in French 8/ 11/ 14/ 19, n (%)

missing: 3 nasal

0/48/22/4 (0/65/30/5)

1/71/47/2 (1/59/39/2)


Depth of AEC in cm (mean ± SD)

26.2 ± 3.3

29.3 ± 2.5


AEC was correctly positioned on arrival PACU, yes (%)

68 (96%)

118 (98%)


95% confidence interval of correct position

missing: 3 in each group

88.1 – 99.1%

92.9 – 99.5%

AEC was correctly positioned until removal

yes/no, n (%)

64/ 5 (93/ 7)

110/ 3 (97/ 3)


95% confidence interval of correct position

missing: 5 oral, 11 nasal

83.9 – 97.6%

92.4 – 99.4%


Length of stay of AEC in hours, median (IQR) min. – max.

2.5 (1.25, 4.5) 0 – 11

4 (3, 6) 0 – 19


Patients coughing in PACU, yes n (%)

missing: 6 oral, 15 nasal

28 (41%)

30 (28%)


Patients retching in PACU, yes n (%)

missing: 6 oral, 9 nasal

18 (26%)

8 (8%)


Re-intubation necessary

1 (via AEC)

4 (via AEC),

4 (AEC already removed)


  1. Data are numbers and percent, mean and standard deviation (SD) or median and interquartile range (IQR)
  2. AEC Airway Exchange Catheter