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Table 1 Overview of patient’s characteristics and hemostatic parameters

From: Closing the gap – detection of clinically relevant von Willebrand disease in emergency settings through an improved algorithm based on rotational Thromboelastometry

  1. Color code: Blue = healthy subjects, red = low responders, green = high responders. Legend: ABO blood type: A, B, O and n/a as not available, sec = seconds. CT represents a measure of the initiation of clot formation, CFT represents the speed of clot formation, MCF is the value of the maximum clot strength and AUC is defined as the area under the velocity curve, i.e. the area under the 1st derivative curve ending at 30 min; PT (%) represents the prothrombin time, aPTT (sec) represents the activated partial thrombin time, VWF:Ag (%) represents the von Willebrand factor Antigen, VWF:RCo (%) represents the Ristocetin Cofactor activity, CB (%) represents the collagen binding activity of VWF, Extem represents the Extem activator reagent, Fibtem represents the Fibtem activator reagent, Ex Rico represents the assay, activated by Extem activator reagent after preincubation with ristocetin, Ex Rico + Haemate represents the assay, activated by Extem activator reagent after preincubation with ristocetin and Haemate® P, “Ricotem – ”is the calculation according to the formula: AUCrico/AUCextem *100, “Ricotem +” is the calculation according to the formula: (AUCrico- AUCrico + haemate)/AUCextem *100
  2. The interquartile ranges for Ex Rico AUC were: 574 (25th perc.) -1463 (75th perc.); and for “Ricotem –”: 9.7 (25th perc.) -24 (75th perc.)