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Table 1 Demographic and clinical outcomes. Values are presented as frequency (%), mean (SD) and median [IQR, min - max]

From: Supreme™ laryngeal mask airway use in general Anesthesia for category 2 and 3 Cesarean delivery: a prospective cohort study


All Parturients n = 584

Category 2 Parturients n = 193

Category 3 Parturients n = 391

Effect measure (95% CI)

P -values

Age (years), mean (SD)a

28.9 (4.14)

28.5 (4.15)

29.1 (4.13)

0.58 (−0.13, 1.30)


BMI (kg /m2), mean (SD)a

27.1 (3.80)

26.4 (3.59)

27.4 (3.86)

0.95 (0.31, 1.58)


Gestational age (weeks), mean (SD)a

37.9 (1.90)

36.9 (2.52)

38.5 (1.19)

1.6 (1.23, 1.98)


Active labor, n(%)c

221 (37.8)

169 (87.6)

52 (13.3)

−0.74 (−0.68, −0.80)


ASA, median [IQR, min - max]b

2 [2–2, 1–3]

2 [2–2, 1–3]

2 [2–2, 1–3]


Mallampati score, median [IQR, min - max]b

2 [1–2, 1–4]

2 [1–2, 1–3]

2 [1–2, 1–4]


Duration of surgery (minute), mean (SD)a

29.5 (9.4)

30.4 (10.8)

29.0 (8.6)

−1.38 (−3.14, 0.38)


  1. Note: Effect measure is expressed as amean difference with 95% CI, bdifference in median with 95% CI or crisk difference with 95% CI. Body Mass Index = BMI; American Society of Anesthesiologists = ASA